About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
I am just who i am, never ashamed of how i am and everyone's just love me for being who i am

Friday, September 19, 2008

Beauty Expo'08

Hello... I'm Back to blog.... :)

Tired..real tired..It's the end of the beauty sept expo'08. I'm assisting my academy (SNIPS COLLEGE OF CREATIVE ART) to sales as a part timer in the expo. It's only a short 4 days expo from 10.30am to 7pm but the tiredness that we are facing are speechless. I get up at 7.30am just to get myself ready shower, dressing up, makeup, setting hair and breakfast and make sure its time to be there punctual. OK..OK.. I admit i am as slow as a snail to get myself ready always :( but i did, i did tried to speed up i really did but never succeed :( ends up i'll mess up everything and that's me SORRY.

We have been asked to wear a bright, striking pink socks with black short/skirt or dress and to tie up our hair as high as possible with exaggerate makeup to be like cute japanese style. OMG!! You must be imagining now how will i look like with that kind of attire right? bad bad... haha. Actually attire is still acceptable but the worst is we need to where high heels where i have sore leg after that... :( sob.. sob... and *SNIPS* please be informed that we are all been under paid... please be more generosity lah next time... hehe..

From Left to Right : Clemence, Bee, Mikkie (Students), Xue er (Marketing SNIPS), Winnie (Hair Stylist) and Alvin (Makeup Artist)

Our well-known Creative Hair Stylist/ Director


Our another Hair stylist handsome? haha..


OK that's it for today i got to go in a rush to have dinner see ya guys again ya!!!! Hope you enjoy my blog will get you more interesting news soon..


ShirusuRi said...

Ehhhh.. nt fair.. how come ta other guy no wear pink socks oso..ahahha.XP

Anonymous said...

Wow, u look pretty as ussual. Keep up the good work.

Cl3m3nCe said...

shirusuri, i'll suggest you to join us on the next expo k with pink color socks haha :P

Cl3m3nCe said...

Snoopy, i do not want to guess who are you since you refuse to reveal but anyway thanks for your praising..i'll make sure i'm always in good way ya take care